Tales of a Coconut Smuggler: Katherine Parker-Magyar

Tales of a Coconut Smuggler: Katherine Parker-Magyar

Coconut Smuggler celebrates saltwater hedonists all over the world who are committed to exploring and protecting the place they love so much.

We sit down with Katherine Parker-Magyar - a professional travel writer who has made a career out of her passion for adventure and has literally traveled the entire world! 

Meet Katherine Parker-Magyar

Katherine (@katherineparkermagyar) is a writer who has visited 90 countries, seven continents and all 50 states in pursuit of a good story: her work is published in National Geographic, Architectural Digest, Forbes, and many more. When she's not catching a flight, she lives in New York City. 

Regardless of what corner of the world she is exploring, you'll likely catch hersailing, scuba diving, surfing, on safari, or skiing. 

What is your favorite saltwater adventure? 

Sailing! And, hopefully, diving with orcas this winter in Norway.

Is there a memorable moment from being in the ocean? 

The cure for anything is saltwater - sweat, tears, or the sea. So says Isak Dinesen (Out of Africa author, and I agree.) I spent my childhood swimming to the buoys at this beach in Rhode Island. The buoys were the swimming perimeter for beachgoers and, as a kid, I felt if I could swim to that boundary, I could conquer anything. (It was maybe 50 feet, but it felt like an eternity). I still feel that sense of wholeness and completion when I swim in the ocean to those buoys today, decades later. In the words of Norman McLean: “I am haunted by waters.”   

What is your ocean spirit animal?

Ideally, a blue whale. In reality, probably a seagull.

If you were stranded on a remote island, what are the three things you'd want with you? 

A tarp! I learned that lesson in Outward Bound. A journal. And a good, long book (maybe I’ll finally finish Infinite Jest)? 

What does “live wild and stay natural” mean to you? 

Following your instincts, moving through the world without pretense. In the words of Bill Murray: “I like to be available for life to happen to me.”


Do you have any hair tips or tricks for fellow saltwater hedonists? 

Hair oil! Before the shower, after the shower, pre-beach, post-beach, any time. I used to think true hydration came from within. Turns out, not always!  And since I hate drinking water, Coconut Smuggler's topical treatment is a revelation and salvation.

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